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Managing the cost and suitability of care

Carer helping elderly lady out of the car

Mrs B lived alone in a large privately owned property in Winchester. Over the years she had built up a personal team of housekeeping and ancillary staff who, as her health deteriorated and her need for care increased, gradually took on the role of caring for her. Mrs B's annual bill for salaries was high but the team caring for her did not really have the skills required to provide the support she needed. Her costs escalated further when, in response to a chest infection, a registered nurse was employed on a live-in basis.

Mrs B's health and welfare attorney contacted her solicitor who was attorney for property and financial affairs. The solicitor contacted Grace Consulting following a recommendation made by another solicitor. A personal visit by one of Grace Consulting's Care Advisers prompted a review of Mrs B's care needs, the level of domestic support she had in place and the qualifications of the care givers she required, in order to reduce care costs.

Following the review and report, Mrs B's team was reconfigured and scaled down. The outcome was of great benefit to Mrs B and her solicitor/attorneys as, against the backdrop of dwindling funds, the quality of the support Mrs B received was improved and her annual costs towards support and care significantly reduced.


Grace provides expert assistance for solicitors working with vulnerable clients and their families across the UK. We provide:

  • Care Advice

  • Care Assessments

  • Care Monitoring

  • Mental Capacity Assessments and Certification

  • Special Needs Advice

Contact our solicitor advice team direct at: or via our Contact page.


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