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Transition Support

Transition to adult services

‘I can’t tell you how much we appreciate your help. The last few months were just awful.’


‘Having someone on our side who really understands what we are going through has been so helpful. Thank you.’

Ross and Nicky were exhausted. They had two adult children, both with special needs. Their daughter, Rebecca, had complex disabilities and needed constant care, which was largely provided by Nicky. Their son, Zac, lived with a rare condition and had severe learning disabilities and limited communication.
They were barely managing. Caring for Rebecca was physically demanding, and the family received very limited support. Ross was working full time and when home, unlike Nicky, struggled to manage Zac’s behaviours. At 21, Zac was bigger than him and strong. He struggled to listen and follow instructions, would get angry and become physically aggressive.
Zac was due to transition from college to day service support. This transition had been disrupted due to service issues, leaving the family with limited time to find and prepare for the right day service. Ross and Nicky feared that Zac wouldn’t be ready for the move.
In need of support, they contacted Grace Consulting. In their initial telephone consultation with Moira, their dedicated adviser, they downloaded their situation, the challenges they faced and their current fears.
Moira listened and discussed the whole situation. She was able to look at the issues from the outside, objectively, compassionately and with experience. She understood the issues they faced and focused on how they could go about achieving the best outcomes for Zac and the family.
They agreed a plan for the best way forward and Moira explained how she would help them with this. They arranged a follow up consultation two weeks later to discuss progress and any further actions.
Moira’s support included day service research and tips on visiting and services, help with the transition, including who to speak to and what to request, and guidance on how to ensure open and honest dialogue with all involved. She provided strategies on helping manage behaviour including mindfulness, details on respite care and reassurance that they were not alone.
Finally, Moira prepared them a summary document detailing the issues raised and handy reminders of possible solutions that they had secured and the necessary steps towards achieving them. 
Ross and Nicky were delighted that they secured a suitable placement for Zac. He settled exceptionally well, making new friends and taking part in a wide variety of activities. With support in place, they managed their first holiday in years and felt astonished that thanks to Moira’s support they had made so much progress.


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